The 2024-2025 Sertoma Scholarship Winners!
Congratulations To You All!!
Pictured from Left to Right: Chuck Vickrey -Committee Member; Bob Centanni - Scholarship Committee Chair; Liam Wall; Armando Orozco-Miles; Bennett Luna; Jack Ross; Hatcher Leiknes; Alyssa Long; Mateo Esquivel; Haley Smith; Cynthia Sawyer - Committee Member; Xaraya Fristed; Sonnet Van Doren; & Rick Olson - Committee Member.
The annual Carson Valley Sertoma Club Memorial Book and Vocational Scholarship application periods will open January 1st.
The Vocational scholarship is available to Douglas County graduating seniors who are enrolling in a vocational training curriculum such as electronic tech, medical tech, nursing, culinary, EMT, IT, bookkeeping, welding or other craft or vocational training.
The Memorial Book scholarship is available to students who are enrolling in a 4-year program (directly into a 4-year college or into a community college and moving to the 4-year college to complete). The scholarship will pay for the books needed for classes.
Both scholarships provide the money as the classes / programs are taken, up to the amount of the scholarship.
The Hard of Hearing and Communication Disorders scholarships are offered by Sertoma International and applications must be completed by going to the Sertoma International website. These two scholarships are not offered locally by Carson Valley Sertoma.
The Memorial Book and Vocational applications are available from Douglas County high school counselors or by clicking on one of the the appropriate buttons above.
Please pass this information on to any eligible students or families that might be interested in receiving one of our scholarships.